What kind of examination programs are available?
1. Personal health examination: The examination is paid for solely by the patient.
2. National health examination (General health examination, cancer screening):
The government notifies each individual with an examination sheet, and people can receive examination at designated hospitals nationwide. The patient visits a hospital with the examination sheet, make an appointment for an examination.
3. Corporate health examination:
The patient’s company makes an appointment based on a contract with the hospital.
4.Pre-employment health examination:
Although it may differ based on each company’s request, the examination is generally carried out similarly to general physical exams.
Can I receive a personal health examination on Saturday or Sunday?
Personal health examination is offered only on Saturday of the third week of each month.
Can I receive a national health examination on Saturday or Sunday?
We do not offer examination services on Saturday or Sunday.
Can anyone receive endoscopy under sedation?
Elderly people (65 or older) or with pulmonary dysfunction, acute diseases or loose teeth are limited from receiving examination due to safety reasons.
How often should I receive comprehensive health examination?
Currently there are no established recommendations on how often a person should receive comprehensive health examinations. However, we recommend once a year for people over 40 years of age, and advise seeking a doctor to manage health if a person has a condition that requires follow-up or has past or family history.
Can I receive an examination while I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?
1. Tests that are not available during pregnancy: Radiologic imaging (chest X-ray, mammography, etc.), endoscopy, gynecological exams
2. Tests that are not available during breastfeeding • Endoscopy with sedation (endoscopy without sedation is possible)
• Radiologic imaging that uses contrast medium
• Mammography (dense tissues affect accuracy) 3. Mammography is possible six months after terminating breastfeeding
4. Please notify our Health Promotion Center if you are pregnant or